Category: Eye on Maoist

  • Rights and Wrongs. Two Photos, Two Stories. Justice and Injustice. Nepal

    Rights and Wrongs. Two Photos, Two Stories. Justice and Injustice. Nepal

    Two powerful images were splashed on the front pages of Nepali newspapers over the past week. Lets start with the most recent one- that of the former Maoist combatants- smiling to cameras, holding and kissing their kids with their wives by their side- who have been integrated into the Nepali army as officers. A reporter…

  • Privileged Maoist Kids and the Unfortunate Lot Who Were Forced Out of Schools by Maoists

    Privileged Maoist Kids and the Unfortunate Lot Who Were Forced Out of Schools by Maoists

    A Facebook page named “CPN UML Youth Campaign” posted a combo photo (above) recently with touchy captions: “Pen and books for your own daughter. Gun for daughter of ethnic people.” [See details about the first photo below.] The context: Election season has started (voting is slated for 19the November). Remember the ‘famous’ Madhav Nepal photo (right)– in which…

  • Contradiction, Evidences Suggest, is the Communist Religion in Nepal

    By Siromani Dhungana Communist movement in Nepal is full of controversy and contradictions. Nepal has seen communist leaders who once called parliament a “butcher’s shop, where dog’s meat is sold by displaying the goat’s head” got elected in the same parliament to lead a government. This country has also seen communists who waged a bloody war against parliamentary democracy join the mainstream,…

  • Deconstructing Baburam Bhattarai: Conflicts and Contradictions

    Deconstructing Baburam Bhattarai: Conflicts and Contradictions

    On Friday (9 August), Kathmandu Post published a piece by Suman Khadka (a PhD candidate at Monash University, Australia) that critically analyzed Baburam Bhattarai’s contradictory personality with focus on his bourgeois education that the Maoist leader stopped many Nepali youths from pursuing. (His party forced many students in rural Nepal out of schools to join the Maoist ‘militia’ reasoning that they…

  • The 20 Billion Rupees Scam in the Name of Peace Process in Nepal

    The ‘misleading’ and wrong decision taken by the Special Committee comprising representatives of six political parties has clearly indicated that financial accountability is a far fetched dram for Nepali people.   By Siromani Dhungana UWB On 12 April, some members of the Special Committee for Supervision, Integration and Rehabilitation of former Maoist combatants which was formed…

  • Political Stagnation and Maoists

    In textbook of science in high school, we used to read the scientific definition of ‘work’: using a force to move an object to a certain distance. Or, using force is not enough to define work. It seems our leaders have been putting excessive force but no progress in distance front. Their efforts have failed…

  • A Maoist Attempt of Merging the Judiciary into the Executive

    Appointment of the SC Chief Justice as the Prime Minister will be Supreme injustice to the people of Nepal. Political parties in democracy can, of course, be good or bad but most certainly without a capable leadership of political parties, the democratic system will never be anything but bad. –tweaked version of Albert Camus’s quote…