Tag: nepali women

  • Women Entrepreneurs in A Country Where Business was Men’s Domain

    Women entrepreneurs in Nepal have come far but they still have a long way to go. Women entrepreneurs are still waiting for a situation where they will get a chance of working as freely as their male counterparts. Siromani Dhungana/UWB Over the last few weeks, I have met several women entrepreneurs who are doing amazing…

  • Nepal Declaration of Girls of Even Worse Character

    UWB Note: Tired of reading declarations of political parties and agitating organizations? Here is yet another declaration, which is not really boring, from our own Girls of Even Worse Character! [नेपालीमा यहाँ छ: चरित्रहीन चेलीहरूको नयाँ अवतार] FEBRUARY 2007 DECLARATION of Jhan Charatraheen Cheli [Saturday Blog] [Inside: A CharitrawanChela responds The text has some adult…