मेरा मनका माओवादी-३

शनिवासरीय ब्लग

UWB Note: In this concluding part of a series of articles written in Nepali language, Maya the blogger, a Nepali girl, describes her experience of growing up (early to late teen life) with expanding Maoist activities around her neighborhood. In previous articles (first, second and third), Maya wrote about how she felt when a Maoist guerilla fell in love with her. Maya also talked about her travel to the comrade’s village.

माओवादीसंग बढ्दै गएको मेरो संगतले आमा डराउन थाल्नुभएको थियो … किन किन मान्छे मार्ने कुरामा सहमत हन नसकेपनि उनीहरूले नै अब केही गर्छन कि जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । गाउँमा… उनीहरूले तास बन्द गराएपछि मेरी आमाले खानाको लागि अबेरसम्म बुवालाई कुर्न परेन । मलाई यो कुराले पनि प्रभाव पारेको थियो ।

माओवादी कस्ता हुन्छन् ? स्कुलमा एकदिन शर्मीला भन्ने साथीले भनी, ‘काला, अग्ला डरलाग्दा !!’ ऊ उमेरमा मभन्दा ठुली थिई त्यसैले उसलाई थाहा भएको कुरा साँचो हुनपर्छ भन्ने मेरो विश्वास थियो । मैले उसको कुरा पत्याएको थिए । चियापसलमा माओवादीका कुरा एकदम कम हुन्थ्यो । माओवादीले राजालाई पनि मार्छन, राजालाई पनि छाड्दैनन् रे । यस्तो सुनेपछि त झन शर्मीलाको कुरा हो झै लाग्थ्यो किनकी राजालाई पनि नछाड्नेहरू त साधारण मान्छे नहुनपर्ने । गाउँका बुद्धिजीवीहरू माओवाद भनेको के हो भन्दा पनि माओवादी नेता बाबुरामको चर्चा गर्थे । नारायण वाग्लेले लेखेका कुरा झैं, बोर्ड फस्ट भएको, इन्जिनियर अनि अरू पनि । माओवादीहरूको बारेमा जान्न खासै कोशिस गरीन मैले, किनकी भन्ने मान्छे नै कोही थिएन ।

गाउँमा माओवादीले डकैति पनि गरे । उनीहरूका फाट्टफुट्ट क्रियाकलाप हाम्रो गाउँमा हुन सुरू भएको थियो । हामीले ‘श्रीमान् गम्भीर’ गाउन छाडेर ‘गाउँछ गीत नेपाली’ भन्न थाल्यौं । माओवादी हाम्रालागि असाध्यै डरलाग्दो विषय थियो । कुरा गर्नहुन्न भन्ने थियो मनमा र कुरा नगरेपनि हुने खालको वातारवरण थियो । रोल्पा रूकुम जस्तो तिनीहरूले कसैलाई पार्टीमा लाग्न दबाब दिएका थिएनन् । एकदमै कम मान्छेकोमा मात्र उनीहरू खाना खान आउँथे, त्यो पनि आक्कलझुक्कल । स्कुलमा हुँदा नै रीमा नाम गरेकी माओवादी कार्यकर्तासंग एकरात बिताए मैले। उसले मेरो मष्तिस्कमा माओवाद भर्नखोजी रातभर सुत्न नदिएर । पटकपटक समतामुलक समाजको कुरा गरी रीमाले । त्यसैले बिहान ओछ्यानमा नै चिया पुर्याउन आउनु भएकी मेरी आमाकै अगाडी मैले सोधे, ‘तपाइहरूले मेरो बुवासंगमात्र छलफल गर्नु भो, तपाइहरूलाई खाना पकाएर ख्वाउने मेरी आमाको कुनै महत्व छैन तपाइको माओवादमा ?’

उसले कुनै जवाफ दिइन ।

माओवादीसंगको यो पहिलो जम्काभेट भने थिएन । गाउँका केही चिनेका दाइहरू माओवादी भएका छन् रे ! भन्ने सुनिन्थ्यो तर तिनीहरू शर्मिलाले भने झै काला अग्ला र डरलाग्दा नभएकाले पत्याउन सकेको थिइन । एउटा कुरा चाँही माओवादबाट प्रभावित भएका भनिएका ती दाइहरू क्रान्तिका कविता लेख्थे, अरूभन्दा फरक खालका, सुन्न मजा आउने खालका । आङ् जुरूक्क पार्ने खालका !

रीमा होची, गोरीगोरी ठुला गोला आँखा भएकी सुग्घरी केटी थि । उसले मलाई माओवाद बुझाउन सकिन, मैले थुप्रै पटक हाइ गरेकी थिए । उसले प्रयोग गरेका शब्दहरू नबुझिने खालका थिए । अँ, म उसका नेताहरूको बारेमा जान्न पाउँदा चाँही रमाएकी थिए । अझ घरबार सबैकुरा त्यागेर देशको लागि लड्न हिडेकी उसको जीवन मलाई साहसिक लाग्यो । मैले ‘आमा’ भन्ने उपन्यास पनि त्यहि ताका पढेको थिए । त्यसैले पनि म प्रभावित भए, उसले संगठन भित्रका कुरा सुनाउँदा । उसंग बन्दुक थिएन । मैले सोधेको पनि थिए, ‘माओवादीसंग त बन्दुक हुन्छ होइन र ?’

उसले भनेकी थी, ‘छापामारसंग मात्र हुन्छ ।’ मैले छापामारको अर्थ पनि बुझेको थिइन । सबैजना, ममात्र होइन, उमेरले र अरूकुराले पनि ठुलामान्छेहरू माओवादी भनेका बन्दुकधारी मात्र हुन् भन्ने त सोच्थे नी !

यो सुरूवात थियो, माध्यमिक स्तरमा हुँदा । केही जान्न थालिएको थियो माओवादीका बारेमा । ०५७ सालको अन्त्यतिरबाट मंसीर ११ (पहिलो संकटकाल) सम्म आइपुग्दा म आफु माओवादी नभइकन नै उनीहरूको गतिबिधिसंग र आफुलाई माओवादी भन्न मनपराउने थुप्रै मान्छेसंग नजिकिए । साठीको हाराहारीमा रहेको त्रिलोक उपनामको बुढोमान्छेदेखि 20 मात्र पुगेको शितोष नाम गरेको माओवादी कमान्डरसंग मैले नडराइ हात मिलाए । तीनिहरूसंग तर्क गरे । तिनीहरूको मेसमा पनि खाना खाए । म माओवादी होइन, यो तिनीहरू पनि जान्दथे । तर म उनीहरूप्रति सारै इमान्दार थिए ।

मैले भेटेका माओवादीहरू राजनितीक शिक्षक जस्ता थिए । तिनीहरू तर्क दिन्थे र वुद्धिजीवीहरूलाई आफ्नो सिद्धान्तमा राजी गराउँथे । उनीहरू साधारण पहिरनमा हन्थे । केटाहरूले गोल्डस्टार जुत्ता लगाएका हुन्थे भने केटीहरू फित्ते चप्पलमा हुन्थे । मलाई केटीहरूले मेकअप नगरेको करा सार्है राम्रो लाग्थ्यो ।

माओवादीसंग बढ्दै गएको मेरो संगतले आमा डराउन थाल्नुभएको थियो । म उनीहरूमा रूचि राख्थे । किन किन मान्छे मार्ने कुरामा सहमत हन नसकेपनि उनीहरूले नै अब केही गर्छन कि जस्तो लाग्थ्यो । गाउँमा तासजुवा बन्द भएको थियो । रक्सिको व्यापार हुन छाडेको थियो । मेरो बुवा रक्सि पिउनुहन्नथ्यो तर तास खेल्नुहन्थ्यो । उनीहरूले तास बन्द गराएपछि मेरी आमाले खानाको लागि अबेरसम्म बुवालाई कुर्न परेन । मलाई यो कुराले पनि प्रभाव पारेको थियो । सबै मान्छेहरूमा यो कुराले प्रभाव पारेको थियो । फेरी मेरो प्राथमिक स्कुलको सरपनि बारम्बार ‘बाबुरामले पीएचडी गरेका छन् उनले पक्कै केही सोचेर नयाँ पार्टी खोलेका हुन्’ भनेर भन्नुहुन्थ्यो ।

म ‘दिशाबोध’ पत्रिका नियमित पढ्थे । माओवादभन्दा पहिला माओवादी बुझे मैले । मैले त्रिलोक बुढोमान्छेसंग दुइघण्टा कुरा गरेपछि नाम सोधे । उनले नाम होइन कामसंग मतलव राख भनेर हप्काउने पारामा भने । माओवादीहरू ठट्टा मन नपराउने हुन्थे जस्तो पछिसम्म मलाई लाग्थ्यो । तर उनीहरू बाहिरीमान्छेसंग मात्र त्यसरी बोल्थे । आफु आफुमा चाहि “हाम्रो घर कता ? हामी आराम हो ?” भनेर खुव मज्जासंग कुरा गर्थे । मलाई तिनीहरूले आफुलाई छुट्टै व्यबहार गरेको देख्दा नमज्जा लाग्थ्यो । माओवादीहरू फोहोरी हुन्छन्, गरीब हुन्छन्, कुनै न कुनै रूपबाट सताइएका हुन्थे भन्ने हुन्थ्यो । हुन पनि मैले भेटेकाहरू त्यस्तै थिए । मैले भेटेकाहरूमध्ये रीमा अलि सुग्घरी थी नत्र अरूहरू सबै महिनौ ननुहाए जस्ता लाग्थे । तिनीहरूको शरीर गन्हाइरहेको हुन्थ्यो । लुगा पनि मैला हुन्थे । उनीहरू कोही मेरो बाउलाई पुलिसले मार्दियो भन्थे त कोही हलो जोत्ने हामी खाने अरू ? भन्थे ।

माओवादीहरूबाट पर रहेर मैले पढाइ गर्नु थियो, पढाइ तलमाथी भयो भने घरमा बस्न नपाइने उर्दी सुनाइएको हुन्थ्यो ।

मेरो उमेरका गाउँका अरू मान्छेभन्दा म अलि बढि जान्दथे की जस्तो लाग्थ्यो माओवादीका बारेमा । म कसैकतैबाट हेपीएकी थिइन, मसंग राम्रो जीवन थियो तर देशका बारेमा कुरा गरेकाले पनि म माओवादबाट प्रभावित भएको थिए । संकटकाल सुरू भएपछि मैले चिनेका थुप्रै माओवादीहरू तितरवितर भए । पहिला गाउँमा नियमित जस्तो देखिने तिनीहरू देखिन छाडे तर कोही कतै भेटिने बित्तिकै म उनीहरूको हालखबर सोध्थे । मलाई चिन्ता लाग्थ्यो । ए फलानालाई भेट्नु भयो भने मैले सोधेको छ भनिदिनु है ! मैले खबर पनि पठाउँथे । देश बनाउन हिडेका तिनीहरू मेरा आफ्नै मान्छे हुन् झै लाग्थ्यो । राम्रो पारिवारिक अबस्था भएकाले नै म पक्राउ नपरेको चर्चा पनि चल्यो गाउँमा एकताका, किनकी अरू थुप्रै पक्राउ परे । यो चर्चा गलत पनि थिएन । पक्राउ परेकाहरूलाई जर्वजस्ती आत्मर्समर्पण गराइयो । माओवादीमा लाग्न भनेको मर्नु र मार्नु हो भन्ने कुरा प्रचारमा ल्याइएको थियो । उनीहरू आफैपनि हामी मर्नदेखि डराउँदैनौ, हामीलाई ज्यानको माया छैन जस्ता कुरा बारम्बार दोहोर्याउँथे । मर्ने डर थिएन मलाई, उनीहरूको प्रभाव हुनपर्छ म पनि आमालाई सुनाउँथे, ‘देशको लागि म मर्छु’ । मैले चिनेकाहरू मारीए पनि । त्रिलोक बुढा मारीएको दिन म रोए । ऊ मेरो मान्छे झै लाग्थ्यो ।

उनीहरूसंगको निकट सम्बन्ध सजिलो थिएन । म उनीहरूले झै सोच्छु भन्ने कुरा उनीहरू विश्वास नै गर्दैनथे । मेरो बोलीचालीको भाषामा प्रयोग भएका केही शब्दप्रति तिनीहरूको आपत्ति नै थियो । म र मेरो वर्गका मान्छेहरूलाई उनीहरूले शत्रु भन्ठान्थे । मैले १२ बर्षकी हुँदा सुनेको माओवादी भन्ने वर्गसंग १५ वर्षो उमेरमा साक्षात्कार भएपछि तिनीहरूको बारेमा मेरो आफ्नै विचार भयो । मैले बाबुराम मात्र हैन हिसीला यमी, प्रचण्ड, बादल, महरा, प्रशान्तहरूका बारेमा पनि थाहा पाउन थालेको थिए । मलाई कहिल्यै तिनीहरूसंग कुरा गर्न डर लागेन, म आफ्ना मनमा लागेका कुरा स्पष्ट भन्थे । उनीहरूले नै मान्छेपनि मार्छन भन्ने मलाई विश्वास नै लाग्दैनथ्यो ।

मेरा साथीहरू म उमेरभन्दा बढि पाको हुन खोजेको आरोप लगाउँथे । माओवादी हाम्रा चासोको विषय होइनन् भनेर तिनीहरू सिधै भन्थे । प्रहरीले पक्रे नराम्रो हालत हुन्छ भनेर डर देखाउँथे तर म गोप्य रूपमा उनीहरूलाई आफ्नै सुझबुझले सकेको सहयोग गर्थे । मलाई त्यसो गर्न पाउँदा खै कस्तो ठ्याक्क शब्दमा भन्न नसकिने तर अर्कै अनुभव हन्थ्यो । सायद म मख्ख पर्थे किनकी साथीहरूले आँट्न नसकेको काम आफुले गर्न सकेकोले भन्ने सोचेर होला !

एउटा कुरा चाँहि पक्का थियो, म उनिहरूको देश बदल्ने कुरामा सहमत थिए ।

राजनीति र माओवादका बारेमा रूचि राख्नु मेरो वृत्तमा भएकाहरूको शब्दमा बढी जान्ने हुन खोज्नु हो । अँ, मेरो बुवाको यसमा कुनै आपत्ति थिएन तर उहाँ थाहापाइराख्नु पर्ने विषयमात्र हो भन्नुहन्थ्यो, माओवाद र माओवादी । सायद बुवाले जसरी माओवाद र माओवादीका बारेमा जान्न, बुझ्न हौस्याउनु हुन्थ्यो त्यसरी यसमा लाग्न पनि हौस्याउनु भएको भए म पनि माओवादी छापामार हुन्थे । म र मेरा दिदीबहिनी र भाइ सबैको प्रमुख काम पढ्नु थियो । पढेर ठुलोमान्छे बन्नैपर्छ भनेर हामीलाई सिकाइएको थियो ।

एकदिन कमरेड शितोषलाई सोधे, ‘पढ्नुहन्न ? जहिले पनि हिडिराख्नुहन्छ, कलेज जानुपदैन ?’ आफुभन्दा अलि ठुलो देखेकाले उ कलेज पढ्छ कि भन्ने मेरो अनुमान थियो ।

‘यो तपाइहरूले पढेको बुर्जुवा शिक्षा हो, बेकामको छ,’ उसले भन्यो । ‘हामी यसको बिरोधी हौं । हाम्रो सरकार आएपछि हामी सबै कुरामा परिवर्तन ल्याउँछौ ।’ मैले उसको कुरा राम्ररी बुझेकै थिइन । मेरो पढाइ बुर्जवा रे ! यहि पढेर डाक्टर, इन्जिनियर, वकील जे पनि बन्न सकिन्छ भन्ने थाहा थियो आफुलाई त ! अनि उसले सोध्यो- ‘तपाइको हातमा लाएको घडी बनाउन आउँछ ?’

‘आउँदैन ।’

‘ल हेर्नुस्, जापानमा तपाइको उमेरको मान्छेले घडी बनाउन जान्दछ ।’

उसको कुरा सुनेपछि मलाई गज्जब लाग्यो । ओहो ! म स्कुल पढ्दै उनीहरूको सरकार आए त मैले स्कुलमा हुँदा नै घडि बनाउन जान्ने रहेछु जस्तो लाग्यो ।

‘कहिले आउँछ तपाइको सरकार ?’ मैले सोधे ।

‘समय लाग्छ ।’

‘कति ?’

‘धेरै । भर्खर त जनयुद्धको थालनी भएको छ ।’

‘ए’, उसको कुराले निराश बनाएको थियो । मेरो बोलीमा पनि निराशा थियो ।

गाउँपछि काठमाडौको यात्रामा माओवादको बारेमा अझ बेसी जानियो तर माओवादीहरूसँगको सम्पर्क भने छुट्यो । रीमाको बारेमा म सोच्ने गर्छु अझ पनि । उ छापामार बन्छु भन्थी । छापामारको अर्थ पनि उसैले सम्झाएकी थिई । कोहीकोहीले बेइमानी पनि गरे । पार्टीले तिनीहरूलाई कारवाही गरेको थियो । म यी सबै कुरा जान्दथे । तर आफैचाही कहिल्यै हतियार उठाउने कुरामा सहमत हुन सकिन । संकटकाल लागेपछि खाल्टोखनेर लुकाएको ‘दिशाबोध’ पनि अझैसम्म खनेर हेरेको छैन ।

(यी सबै लेखहरु गत फागुन महिनामा लेखिएका हुन् जतिबेला देशको राजनीतिक अवस्था विल्कुलै फरक थियो, माओवादीहरु युद्धमा थिए । अहिले शान्तिवार्ता चलिरहेको छ, सम्पुर्ण देश आशावादी छ सकारात्मक परिणाम प्रति । मेरो पनि कामना छ, समश्या समाधान होस् ।)

मायालाई mayablog@gmail.com मा सम्पर्क गर्न सकिन्छ ।

अघिल्ला ब्लगहरु
१. मेरा मनका माओवादी-२
२. मेरा मनका माओवादी-१
३. हटब्रेड्स क्याफे






33 responses to “मेरा मनका माओवादी-३”

  1. glade Avatar

    get a grip Maya !!!!!!

  2. abiral Avatar

    I am disappointed with this write-up by Maya. It is not up to par with her last two articles.

  3. Ram Thapa Magar Avatar
    Ram Thapa Magar

    UWB, don’t glorify Maoists. They are just terrorists who are clever enough to put their agenda behind the curtail.

    Maya, you pity girl, you wasted your valuable moments of the life with terrorists. Chwa.. Chwa.. Chwa..

  4. BetterNepal Avatar

    Totally one sided. Maya has totally ignored the fact what maoists has done wrong. And what is this बुर्जुवा शिक्षा. In Japan everybody doesn’t know how to make watch. I wonder if individuals even know how to make watch (except technical people who make watch). They just use and throw the old and broken watch they don’t make it like we Nepalese do.

    Maoists leaders sons and daughters are studying abroad out from the disturbances of political and students political scenario. MBs are closing schools and colleges out here in villages which will make children/students ignorant/uneducate them. I don’t know how old is maya now but her thinking is totally like a child who cannot think and analyse all side of maoists.

  5. response1 Avatar



  6. response1 Avatar

    Like betternepal says, maobadi leaders want to close schools in nepal to make nepalese illeterate so that they and their sons/daughter will have easy rule over them. They are all criminals

  7. JhanduBam Avatar

    Yehe [icd] haru ho. Yo Mao Sao bhanya kehi pani hoina ho. Yo ta [icd] uhi Bahunbad (Chettri) ko arko rup matra ho kyarem!

    Abo janhi tanhi heram ta kangress bahunbad girija, Male bahunbad Makune, Deuba ko congressi II, sarkari karmachari sappai bahunharu (chettri päni chan), abo hunda hunda Yo Mao badi pani Bahun ra Chettribadi nai hun.

    Yinka chhora chhori agadi basera kahileyi banduk hanna ra goli khana jandaina ho. Yiniharu ta sappai bideshiyeka chhan, Nepali jantako Looteka sampati ra paisale moj gari rachhan INDIAMA ra aru Belayet, Amrikaanma ho.

    Timiharu khanli marchhan matra ho kukkurle napayeko dukha pai aru kehi paune wala chhainan. Yo sabbai Bahun/Chettri ko jaal ho hai nepal lai arko India ko Swasashit Rajya Banaune, Hunata Yi Bahun-Chettri sappai [icd] Indian nai hun hai, ani India ko lagi kam nagare kasko lagi garchhan ta?? Yiniharule Dhoti ko satta daura suruwal matra laeka chhan ho ajja ajabholi ta paschhimeli dress pani layera hindchhan ho.

    lau ja abako arko JANAANDALOON III ma Nepal bata Bahun/Chettri sappai ko NIRMUL ganu parchhai hai hami sappai JANJATI SATH MA MILERA.


  8. hell_below Avatar

    we want peace and a strong economy not any kind of autocratic or totalcratic regimes…the CA should be held fairly otherwise we will have proclamations stating…..people with square-heads will get jobs and people with triangular-heads will be kicked out…

  9. Heem Avatar

    Hey guys

    i just want peace and economy like china, i dont care other, i just feel sorry for myself ,when peples call me nepali,

    we all should be ”1” think about how we could make strong economy ,,, we need our nepal rich…
    jai nepal

    my regards to all of ou nepali dai bahi didi bahini


  10. B Avatar

    UWB, Are you running short of any useful topics for discussion?

    UWB: B, we don’t post topics here for discussion purpose but we welcome peoples’ views if they feel like responding to our blogs and other comments. We suggest you to visit so many other web sites around the Internet if you are after “useful topics for discussion”.

  11. avinashi.blogspot.com Avatar

    u know it, i love the way u write and the way u strated this affair in UWB, its a nice time-out. i wud definitely love its continuity but then, this time, i feel u have not only sunken into nostalgia but also have become a child………simplicity in writing doesnot always mean u write it as if u study in 6th grade.
    i know, some ppl think its a Bakwas, but i love this way to reflect upon the images and special effects of war….make it more beautiful yet though provoking.hope u understand me.

  12. B Avatar

    Sorry UWB, Don’t mind please! I was only concerned about the maintaining of the quality of this blog since I love it. Regards,

  13. Ram Thapa Magar Avatar
    Ram Thapa Magar

    Maoists should be tried for their crime against humanity. They should be tried in international court or tribunal.
    Nepal should have multiparty democracy with ceremonial monarchy.

  14. Ram Thapa Magar Avatar
    Ram Thapa Magar

    Have you seen today’s newspapers? UML leader Bamdev Gautam finds new role: puppet of Maoists. He advocates for dissolution of Houe of Representatives. There are other who has become puppets of maoists, knowingly or unknowingly, like Mathura Shrestha, Devendra Raj Pande, Sundar Mani Dixit, Krishna Pahadi, Narahari Acharya, Daman Dhungana, Krishna Khanal, and others active in the name of civil society.

  15. sandeep Avatar

    this article does nothing to change my opinion of the Maoists. Maoism won’t do Nepal any good. maoists are busy spreading empty promises. look at China, the poor are still poor. the poor are the most suppressed. the rich-poor gap is growing wider than anywhere else in the world. all this in the land of maoism after more than 50 years of maoism.
    the wealth China is accumulating comes from foreign investment and industries, not Maoism. If we let Maoists do what they want, i won’t be surprised if we become the second North korea.

  16. fanta Avatar

    We are not understanding who is civil society?? We thought that society was established to bring democracy but seems for autocracy?? If they belieive in democracy then let the people decide what they want. They should not threaten to other side like they are telling to the people don’t let come the parties who support the consitutional monarchy. Is that the way to threaten by civil society. We think they are just a puppet and trying to bring autocracy in Nepal…they are not civil society they are evil society running for someone….

  17. Neil Horning Avatar
    Neil Horning

    How many of you posting those comments in this blog have ever talked to a Maoist at length?

    You are using the internet, so you represent about the top .5 richest percent of the Nepali population. I wouldn’t call the Maoists and you natural best buddies…

    It’s not that everything the maoists do is great. but I don’t see how you expect to have a free and fair constituent assembly election if you consider it unexceptable to sympathize with the Maoists. I find it hard to beleive that they managed to take over 80% of the country without at least some significant support from the rural population. This Womans opinion is likely far more popular then you are willing to admit.

  18. Bideshi Avatar

    Is it support for the Maoists or fear of the Maoists? There are reprisals for anyone who resists them. The people have no guns.

  19. fanta Avatar

    The only interest of the civil society is to sit in Minister post in interim government…that is their end…because they know they cannot win the election…NA GHAR KO NA GHAT KO..

  20. sandeep Avatar

    Neil Horning,
    Remember Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot ruled the whole of Cambodia. Soviets ruled the USSR. So, why can’t the Maoists have their influence over 80% of Nepal? Besides they, like all Communists, say they are for the poor and working class. Yes, the Maoists’ influence is a result of such tactics and intimidation. But don’t you have the faintest idea of what they really are all about?

  21. raj Avatar


    Yes, Maoists can rule if they win and those very bloggers who praise them today will be vehement critics of Maoists,then. Pol Pot was praised too before his rule and Mao was worshiped for 30 years in China though China has been more Capitalist than the paper tiger, impirilist Americans and Maoism is dead with Mao in China. The biggest enemy of presemt day dictatorial regimes are the city dwellers, the so called blog surfer elites, as they will be the losers of freedom in both lefist and rightist dictatoship.

  22. raj Avatar


    Is it not rude to suggest B,a regular surfer to your blog, to visit other sites even if he comments something unpleasant to your blog thogh I find nothing unpleasant in his comment.
    I, too, feel that the quality and quantity of comments in this are declining significantly in these days and if you will not be offended, I fear that one reason may be due to the standard of articles in the blog. Don’t you feel so?

  23. BetterNepal Avatar

    hey Neil Horning

    Who said maoists have taken over 80% of Nepal. Not at all dont follow some sensational news like people says. what they have taken over is remote places. People in Nepal is ready to give maoists a chance to come clean to the peace talks and bring solution to the conflict. People have agreed to CA which was maoists major agenda. All things will and should be done fairly.

  24. y Avatar

    Yeah Mr. Horning,

    In the same light I guess you are one of those who feel Saddam Hussaein also had a majority support, or that Pol Pot also had a majority support. When democracies like america debate about whether Bush won an election or not against Gore with all the technology and media to watch over the elections, this guy thinks that since maoists run amock all over the country they have a large support here.
    I wonder if the people were armed, what the maoists situation would be in this country, if at all there would be a maoist situation?

  25. y Avatar

    As for representing the top .5% of the population, well maybe the internet users represent a little more than that, but you can’t term them the richest, internet users maybe educated but there are many people who do not use the internet for blogging or any other purposes who are from the rich. Most bloggers are Nepalis who have gone abroad to seek employment or further education, and are not rich business people and landlords.
    Anyway, what makes you think that democracies like the U.S. is not run by the decisions of the top echelon of society, or India is not run by the top level? I think there is sense in having educated and intellectuals make wise decisions for the nation, instead of what we have here – thugs, guns and total lack of reason.

  26. ck2 Avatar

    Horning:You say and I reply

    “How many of you posting those comments in this blog have ever talked to a Maoist at length?”

    I have, and I am sure with all the open speeches and interviews of the maoists these days, we all have heard them at length. Further, they have made sure that by using guns, they have spread their propoganda to all ears for the past ten years. How much more hearing do they need?

    “You are using the internet, so you represent about the top .5 richest percent of the Nepali population. I wouldn’t call the Maoists and you natural best buddies…”
    Many maoists supporters also use the blog (hell they have an entire web site). I would not term people who use the internet as rich, educated maybe, but not rich.

    “It’s not that everything the maoists do is great. but I don’t see how you expect to have a free and fair constituent assembly election if you consider it unexceptable to sympathize with the Maoists. I find it hard to beleive that they managed to take over 80% of the country without at least some significant support from the rural population. This Womans opinion is likely far more popular then you are willing to admit.”

    Your question should be – I can’t see how you can have a free and fair election with maoists carrying automatic rifles and displaying it and flashing it and who knows what else all over the place. It would definitely be unfair to the democratic parties.
    As for you claim of the maoists controlling 80% of the country – well, they donot even control 20% of the country, but they have definitely destroyed 100% of the economy, and put fear in 100% of the people, and placed 100% of the nation in a pathetic state of affairs. Geographically and p[hysically your statement is rubbish, but with regards to the state of mind and the sate of affairs of the nation you are 20% short of the target.
    Yes this womans account is popular for her comrades in arms, but let me tell you what is really popular (close to 100% popular) –

  27. ugra Avatar

    hey maya,

    why on the earth do u give your mail address which u don’t reply? is it for show?

    incomplete writing!!!!!!!

  28. gc Avatar

    well done maya, you can write a good noble. but it seems to be imaginative & impressed by Narayan Wagle’s pulpasa cafe. not only title writing style also ustai uatai chha.

  29. maybe Avatar


  30. Binod Avatar

    Writing is very simple. Every one can understand the language. I advise you write books for kids e. g. story or eassy books. You can try writing books for beginners for Nepal government too. Why not to try if Maiost came in government and you know the leaders too. Best of luck

  31. Amit Avatar

    what do you think of your self? at least, you should write thanks, after all we had spent our time to write you. this is not fair maya. you have only lovely name don’t think you are like your name. how could you ignore like this? anyway, still i want to read you more and more.

  32. HARKEY Avatar

    hello ram thapa magar jiu,
    ……..and aftera ll this..youi cal lmaoists the “terrorists”?……..ok try to move on with time….

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