ट्युटर अफ पोलिटिक्स

[UWB Note: This article, written in Nepali language and based on the interview of renowned writer and pro-democracy activist Manjushree Thapa conducted by Dinesh Wagle and Bikash Sangraula for Kantipur and the Kathmandu Post dailies, was first published in the Special Supplement of Kantipur brought out on the occasion, of 13th anniversary of Kantipur Publications and the National Democracy Day. (Intro in English continues at the end of the article.)]

Manju Shree Thapa is a renowned writer and pro-democracy activist

लेखन क्षमतालाई राजनीतिक लक्षका लागि प्रयोग गर्ने पछिल्लो साहित्यकारमा अङ्ग्रेजीभाषी मन्जुश्री थापा भएकी छिन् जसले माघ १९ लगत्तै हिन्दूस्तान टाइम्स देखि न्यूयोर्क टाइम्स सम्मका पाठकलाई नेपालमा प्रजातन्त्रको महत्वबारे जानकारी गराइन् तस्बिर: विकास कार्की

दिनेश वाग्ले

‘राजनीतिक छलफलमै वित्यो,’ एउटी चर्चित अङ्ग्रेजीभाषी नेपाली लेखकसँग भलाकुसारी गर्ने अपेक्षासहित पूर्व निर्धारित स्थानमा पर्खिरहेका दुइ सम्बाददाताका अबिवादन फर्काउदै तत्कालै गफ थालिहाल्ने आसयमा मन्जुश्री थापाले भनिन्- ‘अझै उदार गणतन्त्र र सम्बैधानिक राजतन्त्रबीच अलमलमा परेको ठूलो जत्था छ यहाँ ।’

अघिल्लो माघ १९ लगत्तै ‘इस्केप काठमान्डू’ नीति लिएर नेपालबाट उम्किएकी साहित्यकार अघिल्लो साता पाँचदिन राजधानीमा थिइन् । राम्रो विक्री भएका पुस्तकहरु ‘ट्युटर अफ हिस्ट्री’ र ‘र्फगट काठमान्डू’ लेखेर अर्न्तराष्ट्रिय छवि बनाएकी महिलाले कुराकानीको पहिलो वाक्यमै आफ्नो अर्को परिचय दिएकी थिइन् । वितेका केही बर्षरुमा गैह्र आख्यान लेखहरु र पुस्तकमार्फ मन्जुश्रीले आफूलाई ‘राजनीतिक लक्ष्य भएकी सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता’कारुपमा स्थापित गरेकी छिन् । माघ १९ पछि नयाँ दिल्ली पुगेपछि जव उनी ‘हिन्दूस्तान टाइम्स’देखि ‘न्यूयोर्क टाइम्स’सम्मका अखवारका प्रभावशाली विचार पृष्ठहरुमा नेपाली प्रजातन्त्रको वकालत गर्दै देखा पर्न थालिन्, मन्जुश्रीको बौद्धिक सक्रियताले अर्न्तराष्ट्रिय आयाम लियो । असोज १८ पछिका प्रतिगमविरोधी सडक आन्दोलनमा प्रहरीका लाठीबाट गहुँगोरो शरिरमा नीला डाम बसाएकी ४० आसपासकी लेखकले आफ्ना विचारहरुमा राजतन्त्रविहीन प्रजातान्त्रिक नेपालको खाकालाई उजिल्लाउदै आएकी छिन् । साहित्यिक परिचय र क्षमतालाई राजनीतिक लक्ष्यका लागि प्रयोग गर्ने मन्जुश्रीको अङ्ग्रेजी दक्षताले उनलाई नेपाली प्रजातान्त्रिक आन्दोलनकी अर्न्तराष्ट्रिय राजदूत बन्न भरपूर सहयोग गरेको छ ।

‘विदेशीहरुको नेपाल कभरेज सधै रोमान्टिक हुनेगरेको छ,’ उनले भनिन्- ‘दरवार हत्याकान्डका बेलासम्म पनि उनीहरुलाई नेपालको ‘साङ्ग्रीला छवि’को धङ्घङीले छाडेको थिएन । त्यसैले उनीहरुले हामीलाई ‘बढी धार्मिक’ र ‘विष्णुका अवतार राजाविना बाच्नै नसक्ने प्राणी’कारुपमा प्रस्तुत गरे ।’ माघ १९ को राजनीतिक उथलउपलका बेलासम्ममा त्यो धङ्घङी केही हदसम्म हटिसकेको भएपनि, मन्जुश्रीका अनुभवमा, अझैपनि विदेशी लेखक तथा पत्रकारले नेपाली मामिलाबारे लेख्दा वास्तविक जनभावनाको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्नबाट चुक्छन् । त्यसैले, उनी ठान्छिन्, नेपालका बारेमा नेपालीले नै विदेशी माध्यममा लेख्नु आवश्यक छ ।

माघ १९ पछि नयाँ दिल्ली पुगेपछि जव उनी ‘हिन्दूस्तान टाइम्स’देखि ‘न्यूयोर्क टाइम्स’सम्मका अखवारका प्रभावशाली विचार पृष्ठहरुमा नेपाली प्रजातन्त्रको वकालत गर्दै देखा पर्न थालिन्, मन्जुश्री थापाको बौद्धिक सक्रियताले अर्न्तराष्ट्रिय आयाम लियो ।

‘विदेशी मिडियामा पाएको स्थानलाई उपयोग गर्दै,’ मन्जुश्रीले भनिन्- ‘उनीहरुका पाठकर्/दर्शकलाई मैले नेपाली राजनीतिबारे जानकारी गराउने प्रयास गरे ।’ नेपाली स्थितीबारे विदेशीहरुको रोमान्चकृत दृष्टिकोणभन्दा आफ्नो यथार्थवादी भएको बताउने मन्जुश्री विदेशी मिडियामा नेपाली लेखकहरुले लेख्दा बढी प्रभावशाली हुने निष्कर्षनिकालिन् । उनी नेपालमै रहदा पनि राजनीति र मानवअधिकारबारे यहाका प्रकाशनहरुमा कलम चलाउथिन् जो अहिले पनि ‘काठमान्डू पोष्ट’का विचारपृष्टहरुमा निरन्तर छ । कुनै घट्नालाई हर्ेन दृष्टिकोणमा नेपाली र विदेशीबीच फरक हुन सक्ला तर जव साहित्यकर्मीहरु अखवारहरुमा समसामयिक लेखहरुमार्फ देखिन थाल्छन्, उनीहरु र सम्बाददाताहरुबीच के फरक हुन्छ – संयोग नै मान्नुपर्छ, मन्जुश्रीले त्यही उत्तर दिइन् जो माघ १९ पछि नेपालको स्थितीबारे अमेरिकी माध्यमहरुमा लेख्न आएका प्रतिष्ठित भारतीय अङ्ग्रेजी लेखक पङ्कज मिश्रले सम्बाददातालाई दिएका थिए ।

‘लेखकहरु कुनै पनि विषयमा कलम चलाउन पत्रकारहरुभन्दा स्वतन्त्र हुन्छन्,’ मन्जुश्रीले मिश्रलाई सम्झाउनेगरि भनिन्- ‘उनीहरुलाई पत्रकारको जस्तो अब्जेक्टिभ हुनुपर्दैन । घट्नाको विष्लेषण गर्दै आफ्नो विचार दिने भएकाले उनीहरु ‘सब्जेक्टिभ’ हुन्छन् ।’ खोज पत्रकारिता केन्द्रका लागि केही लेखहरु तयार पार्नेक्रममा मन्जुश्रीले सम्बाददाताहरुसँग रिपोर्टिङ्का शैली र सुत्र सिकेकी थिइन । मन्जुश्रले दुइखाले साहित्यकार हुनेगरेका बताउदै आफूले सधै आफ्नै अन्तरस्वादका लागि मात्र लेख्ने अनगरेको बताइन् । ‘शुरुमा मैले ‘नन फिक्सन’ (गैह्र आख्यान) लेखे, त्यसपछि फिक्सनमा आए,’ उनले भनिन्- ‘फिक्सनमा मान्छेको भित्री कुरा र मानसिकता प्रकट हुन्छ । तर फेरी मनमा आयो ‘देशको अवस्था यस्तो (बिग्रेको) छ, म चाहि कथालेखेर बस्ने ?’ आफू बढी अर्न्तमुखी भएजस्तो लाग्यो । त्यसैले फेरी मानवअधिकारकाबारेमा लेख्न थाले ।’ समाजसँग सर्म्पर्कमा रहन गैह्र आख्यान र भित्री संसारसँग पुल बाध्न आख्यान लेख्ने गरेको मन्जुश्रीको भनाइ छ ।

Manju Shree Thapa was injured in a anti-regression demonstration in Kathmandu

असोज १८ पछिका प्रतिगमविरोधी सडक आन्दोलनमा प्रहरीका लाठीबाट गहुँगोरो शरिरमा नीला डाम बसाएकी चालिस आसपासकी लेखकले आफ्ना विचारहरुमा राजतन्त्रविहीन प्रजातान्त्रिक नेपालको खाकालाई उजिल्लाउदै आएकी छिन् ।

दुइ दार्शनिकहरुको प्रशंग निकालौं । दार्शनिक नम्बर एक- प्लेटो जसलाई प्राचिन ग्रिसका महानतम व्यक्तित्व मानिन्छ । उनी विश्वास गर्थे राज्य दार्शनिकहरुले गर्नुपर्छ । शायद उनले त्यस्तै ‘दार्शनिक राजाहरु’लाई प्रशिक्षित गर्न आफ्नो प्रख्यात एकेडेमी स्थापना गरेका थिए ।

दार्शनिक नम्बर दुइ- जर्मनीका इम्यानुअल कान्ट जो सधै ठान्थे- ‘शक्तिको मातले स्वतन्त्रतासाथ तर्क गर्ने क्षमतालाई कमजोर तुल्याउछ ।’ त्यसैले उनी बौद्धिक व्यक्तित्वले र्सार्वजनिक जीवनबाट टाढै रहनुपर्छ भन्ने विश्वास गर्दथ्ये । त्यसो भए, को त अब ? प्लेटो कि कान्ट ? मन्जुश्री थापालाई हेर्ने हो भने उनी निश्चय नै प्लेटोबादी छिन् जो साहित्यलेख्दालेख्दै सक्रिय राजनीतिक टिप्पणीमा सहभागी हुन्छिन् ।

सानातिना कुरा र अनौपचारिक सम्बादहरुबाट टाढिने भएकाले सधै विदेशबाट देशकाबारेमा जमेर लेख्न नसकिने उनको अनुभव छ । शायद त्यसैले देशको ताजा हाल बुझ्न तथा राजनीतिक गतिविधिबारे प्रत्यक्ष जानकारी लिन उनी एकबर्षछि नेपाल आएकी हुन् । यसपालीको नेपाल बसाइको अन्तिम दिन शुक्रबार नक्सालस्थित ‘माइक्स ब्रेकफास्ट’को एउटा पारिलो कुनोमा सजाइएको टेबलसँगैको कुर्सीमा आफूलाई सजिलो पारेपछि नीलो टाइट जिन्स र घुम्लुङ्ग परेको स्विटेर पहिरिएकी लेखकले एक बर्षगाडी आपतकालीनरुपमा काठमाडौं छाड्दाको क्षण सम्झिइन् ।

अखवारहरुमा नेपाली राजनीति लेख्नुका अलावा मन्जुश्री विदेश बसाइको एक बर्षमा एउटा कथासङ्ग्रह सक्न र एउटा उपन्यासको प्रारम्भिक खाका तयार पार्न सफल भइन् । कथासंग्रह पेन्गुइनलाइ बुझाएकी छिन् जसले यसै बर्षो मध्यतिर प्रकाशित गर्ने जनाएको छ ।

‘त्यो बदलिएको परिस्थितीमा म आफूलाई यहाँ बसेर प्रष्ट अभिव्यक्त गर्न सक्दिन जस्तो लाग्यो,’ वेराले लार्ज पटमा ‘मिन्ट टी’ ल्याउदै गर्दा माइनस पाँच (देब्रे) र चार प्वाइट ७५ पावरको चस्माबाट गाजल लगाएका आखाले बाहिर चियाउदै मन्जुश्री गफिन थालिन् । धमिलो रङ्गको खैरो नङ पालिस पोतिएका औलाहरु खेलाउदै मन्जुश्रीले हल्का गुलावीरङ्को लाली भरिएका ओठहरु चलाइरहेकी थिइन्- ‘आफैमा विश्वास थिएन । तर्सिन्छु जस्तो लाग्यो । फेरी म कुनै संस्थासँग आवद्ध नभएकीले एक्लो परेको महशुस हुने थियो ।’ त्यसैले उनले भारत गएर त्यहाँका मिडियासँगको पहिलेदेखिकै सम्बन्धलाई प्रयोग गर्दै भारत र पश्चिमा सञ्चार माध्यममासमेत नेपाली मुद्धालाई लैजाने निधो गरेकी थिइन् । पक्राउपर्ने डरले उनी डेनिस राजदूतावासका कूटनीतिज्ञको छाहारीमा लुकेर त्रिभुवन विमानस्थलबाट उम्केकी थिइन् ।

असोज १८ मा शासनमा राजाको सक्रियता शुरुभएयता मन्त्री बनेका डा. भेषबहादुर थापाकी छोरी र प्रधानसेनापती प्यारजङ्थापाकी नजिककी नातेदार मन्जुश्रीका लागि माघ १९ पछि पक्राउ परिएला भन्ने डरले विदेशिने अवस्था आउनु धेरैका लागि स्वभाविक नलाग्न सक्छ । ‘त्यो (पारिवारिक नाता र पहुँच) प्रोटेक्सन थियो वा डेन्जर मलाई थाहा भएन,’ उनी भन्छिन् । १९८९ मा अमेरिकाबाट पढेर र्फकदा त्यतिबेलाकी २१ बर्षो युवतीमा ‘राजाविना हामी बाच्नै सक्दैनौं’ भन्ने धारणाप्रति तिब्र असहमती थियो । त्यसपछिका दिनमा उनले आफूलाई एकजना खाटी गणतन्त्रबादीकारुपमा हुर्काएकी थिइन्, उनका क्रियाकलाप सक्रिय राजतन्त्रका विरोधी थिए र पछिल्लो पुस्तक निकै कडा मिजासको थियो । ‘र्फगट काठमाडान्डू’ माघ १९ भन्दा केही अगाडी मात्रै प्रकाशित भएको थियो जसमा दरवार हत्या कान्ड लगायतको नेपाली राजनीतिबारे चर्चा गरिएको छ । परिवर्तित राजनीतिक परिस्थितीमा राज्यले प्रतिकुल ठहर्याउन सक्ने लागेकाले मन्जुश्री ‘इस्केप काठमाडू’ नीति अपनाएकी थिइन् ।

अखवारहरुमा नेपाली राजनीति लेख्नुका अलावा मन्जुश्री विदेश बसाइको एक बर्षमा एउटा कथासङ्ग्रह सक्न र एउटा उपन्यासको प्रारम्भिक खाका तयार पार्न सफल भइन् । कथासंग्रह पेन्गुइनलाइ बुझाएकी छिन् जसले यसै बर्षो मध्यतिर प्रकाशित गर्ने जनाएको छ । नोभेम्बरदेखि तीन महिना पेरिस नजिकैको एउटा गाउँमा युनेस्कोको लगानीमा आयोजित लेखन शीविरमा रहदा उनले आगामी उपन्यासको पहिलो खेस्रा तयार पारिन् । ‘अब एक बर्षजति लाग्ला,’ मन्जुश्रीले भनिन्- ‘त्यसलाई रिफाइन गर्ने क्रममा छु ।’ मन्जुश्री केही सातामै अमेरिकामा आयोजना हुने एक/एक महिनाका दुइ लेखन शिविरमा सहभागी हुने छिन् र आशा गारौ त्यहाँ उनले बन रेन्जर मुख्य पात्र रहेको आगामी उपन्यासलाई निकै सिघार्ने छिन् ।

यो लेख पहिलो पटक कान्तिपुर राष्ट्रिय दैनिकले आफ्नो तेह्रौं बाषिर्कोत्सव तथा राष्ट्रिय प्रजातन्त्र दिवसका अवसरमा फागुन सात गते निकालेको गरेको विशेष परिशिष्टाङ्कमा छापिएको हो ।

[UWB Note Contd: In this article Manjushree Thapa, the internationally acclaimed English language writer from Kathmandu, talks about her writing and activism and how she escaped Kathmandu after Feb 1, 2004, her days New Delhi and Paris, and why she thinks democracy is the only way forward of Nepal. Manjushree is the writer of bestselling book Tutor of History and widely acclaimed Forget Kathmandu. She also writes articles and columns in different newspapers. Its my pleasure to note that this was one of the widely read and appreciated articles published in the Special Supplement! The title of the article is “Tutor of Politics”.]





47 responses to “ट्युटर अफ पोलिटिक्स”

  1. Chankhe Avatar

    Congratulation Manjushree for your writings!

  2. Layman Avatar

    What I want to comment about Manjushree is that she is different from all other Nepalese women. Because she never had to face trouble in her childhood like other majority of Nepalese girls. She was bruoght up by her parents in a place like Washington DC, Colombo, Geneva etc and her father is the most opportunist personalty in Nepal. He was directly chosen as the secretary of HMG by King Mahendra at the age of 22 and he had the saga of holding the post of Governor of NRB, Finance Scretary, VC of NPC, Finance Minister, 3 times Ambassdor, Ambassador at Large and the Foreign Minister. His contribution to academic field and development of Nepal is Zero. He does not have a single book on Nepal. Anyway that is her father.

    Now I respect her courage to go against her father’s mentor and for supporting the cause of democracy. We need such women in the democratic fold. But she how came to this stage particularly her education and exposure to western stadard of living and thinking is another matter. Very few women of Nepal get such an opportunity.

  3. Layman Avatar

    Third line of 2nd Para: But how she…..

  4. Nepali Avatar

    Manju Jee,
    Congratulation. We are proud of you. It seems that you can achieve a towering personality in the human history.

    Regarding the comments about Dr. BB Thapa might be valid. Although in those days K Mahendra lacked intellectuals so badly that he picked this Tanahue kaji from the US. This lack of intellect in the vicinity of K Mahendra can be easily understood specially after the 2001 massacre, which clearly shows a lack of wit and candor in the royals and their hench people. I have no idea how they are bred that way. There is no meer konowledge in the palace and around, forget about of having some wisedom generated in the royals.

    The difference between for instant Mr. Harsih Chandra Shah (HCS) vs. Dr. BB Thapa (BBT), and KG and KM is that the formers (HCS and KG) and (BBT and KM) are really visionless dumb chakaribaj and chakarichakor, whereas the later (BBT and KM) were intelligent (though cunningly) and visionfull and they knew atleast they have to bring up their children with wit and candor. Therefore it is no surprise that now Maju has become for us an undepartable inheritance and King Birendra – most gentleman king. Folks in anyway bringup matters. Don’t blame your crown prince P for his criminal conduct. It’s nothing but the bringing up. By the way both HCS (the chief of NEA) and BBT are handpicked and made to glee.

    More importantly KM was clever in picking up the intelligent german shepherds like GIRI and Pandey, whereas KG picks up starting from Jagat Gauchan and ending at his fathers legacies.

  5. response1 Avatar

    Wagle Bandhu seems to be dazzled with Manjushree’s outfit and charm to the point that he has noticed what color lipstick she’s put on, what sort of clothes she’s wearing etc!! I have noticed since some time that UWB was looking for opportunity to flatter Manjushree. Congrats! Now you have got chance to fulfill your desire!
    However, just to mention a few words about Thapa’s contribution to Nepal!
    I won’t regard her as a dedicated democrat. As Layman said, she’s not seen the real nepal. Mustang Bhot in Fragments, have you read? Wow. She’s a tourist here, and feels for nepal as if an American (or any tourist) would feel. She regards herself above all other mortals to bombard us with advices, teaches righteousness. I remember a story when a so called social reformist asked a farmer in his visit to a village: “Show me the Cadbury tree, coz that’s my favorite.” Manjushree is raised not as a ordinary Nepali like rest of us, it’s not her fault. Her fault is that hypocricy where she enjoys the autocratic protection, while showing off decmocracy face. It’s been quite of a fashion to run away to other countries to report our story to oters. That’s a nice way of being Lahure, while pretending to be a freedom fighter. And eh, where’s that photo from? The one she has got a bandage on her head. That’s a great farce.
    The only thing she can do is write a mediocre story, and sell it to some publisher by hook or by crook.
    No, I’ve nothing against her. Everyone would do that. But just stop this democracy angel business!!!

  6. Chankhe Avatar

    I think Manjushree also disagrees with her parents. Rumors I got from a close friend of hers. She is “sambhranta” pariwar ko “mayalu chhori”, but she does not live with her parents. Look at the bandage on her head. That had happened when her father was incumbent in the Nepali Cabinet under Thapa sarkar in 2004. I hope think we can not reflect everything of her father on her. Having opportunity to live around the best places in this earth is not her guilt. We should admire her efforts and deciding to live in Nepal and work for Nepali. If she was an opportunist, she had many chances to marry elte and rich khandani of Nepal but living in USA or UK. I think she did not choose that path, instead decided to visit conflict torn Jumla, Mustang, Dang, etc….

  7. Chankhe Avatar

    hey response1,

    I think DW is 6-7 yrs younger than Manjushree. ke kura socheko ho himile, response deu…nahune kura nagara na…

  8. coke Avatar

    infactuation is at the peak.. continuously projecting Manjushree, born with a silver spoon, not like rest of us.
    there are also questions in her creadibilty. hope she will be able to clarify herself and disassociate from her corrupt father: The Royal_India Agent-Bekh Banadhur Thapa jee.
    anyways she seems to be a good person and a good writer aswell. but i suggest her to avoid this cheap popularity by coming to this forum.

  9. response1 Avatar

    Hi Chankhe!

    Hhahaha. Good point. I was noth thinking about anything like that. Just saying that DW was quite charmed with Manju’s appearance!
    Regarding her motive, who knows? And certainly she isn’t big enough to be discussed like this. As I said she has some ulterior motive. The so called high class people have this way of dealing: they have hands in all parties and directions. “Jo aye pani Chauka”. I think Bhesh Bdr Ji has a nice plot putting his daughter in democratic front and him working for KG and India. I am sure someone in the family sympathises Maoists. And some would be in UML and Congress. This is
    the way it works, Bhaiharu!!!!!

  10. सुविर Avatar

    क्याबात बागले जी ! मन्जुश्रीको बारेमा यति जानकारी दिनुभाकोमा साधुवाद । माघ १९ लगत्तैका दिनमा थापाका लेखहरु निकै स्वाद लिएर पढियो । उनको पुस्तक ट्युटर चाँही पढेको छु, अर्को पाएको छैन । दरबार हत्याकान्डको बारेमा हो रे, हैन ? खैर, दरवारीय पारिवारिक पृष्टभूमी भएपनि यी चेलीले प्रजातन्त्रको वकालत गरेर हाम्रो नाक ठाडो पारिदिएकी छिन् । यिनलाई मेरो मुरी मुरी धन्यवाद । यो लेख पढेपछि यिनको अर्को किताव नपढी रहन सकिन्न ।

  11. gp Avatar

    Manjushree Thapa, whether she is looking for popularity or not is besides the point. Whether she was born with a silver spoon or a golden one is besides the point. And the fact that her father is a first rate crook (call him Indian agent or CIA informant whatever), is besides the point. What is important is she is a Nepali women who has made good with her writing and that itself is the point. We need more women like her.

  12. coke Avatar

    of course we need more women like her? she is really cute but little fat.

    [icd] my father is not a CIA nor an indian agent but this is not the question here.

    i am in a big problem. i want someone in this forum to help me with “Simulation on Matlab”. i am far from home. after i complete my simulation may be nepal will need a man like me. what do you think GP?

  13. coke Avatar

    common wagleey yaarr that was not the stuff for ICD. pls insert it man

  14. coke Avatar

    you seem to be jealous of me hahaha.

  15. 1WHOCANDIE4U Avatar

    To Wagle,

    Please think about it………………

    After UWB was started again after short break due to hacking, i do not know what nepali font Wagle is using, it is very difficult to read in my computer. I have almost all the nepali fonts that are generally available in web world including preeti, kantipur, sagrmatha, himali etc. But still not able to read wagle’s blog in nepali.remind u, i can read kantipur…………….can u just check what is wrong????????

    I am using windoes xp………..

    And one more can u translate this article to english and post it again here………

    Hope u answer

    UWB: Dear 1whocandie4u,
    We are not sure what the problem is. We have been using the same Unicode-based font (Kalimati) that we were using in our Nepali section previously. We are trying our best to resume the Nepali service as soon as possible. Thank you.

  16. yuddhabiram Avatar

    coke really seems to be out of his mind for posting such cheap and meaningless comments.

    Must be one of the distant relative of KG clan!!

  17. yuddhabiram Avatar


  18. Chankhe Avatar

    Re: Response to your Response

    Ya, you are true that DW minutely observed nail police, eye gajal, “rato lipistic”, “chasma ko power” and what not! Of course, I also likee “tyo silky kalo kesh, ani tyo muskan, tyo muhar, ani tyo herai…” List goes on. lol…

    In one meeting in Ktm several years ago, she approached to me and talked to me about something. I didn’t know who was Manjushree then. I only knew the person who approached me for a talk after several months. Yedi Bekh Bahadur ko Choori bhanne tha payeko bhaye kurai arkai hunthyo ki ke tha? Phone sone email simail maginthyo hola…ha ha.. just kidding hai…Anyway, that is past. I think she didnt have any motive approaching me then. I could read innocence in her eyes then. If i meet her now, i hope it will be the same. May be you will think like “mauka ma chauka hanne”!!!!

    About the motive of BBThapa in diversifying family politics, that may be possible. But from the info i know, it is not true. Since she was raised in USA, CAnada, etc, the kids grown have very less parental influence on their thinking.

  19. MacUser Avatar

    Manjushree’s doing great job….! She is not biased like other politician’s family members who have nothing to do else than to brag about their family.

  20. Uglo Keta says Avatar

    I don’t care what this angel has to say about Nepal, I don’t care what her father is doing, I don’t care what she has written, I don’t care who reads her book. I only care about one thing and that is “King Gyanendra and his entire family must go and SOONER THE BETTER. He and his fat ass family is costing us so much. He is costing the whole Nepal so much. His government is wrecking the country apart, economy is DOWN, business is DOWN, administration is DOWN, law and order is DAWN, prices are going UP, robbery and murder rates are going UP, poverty is increasing, peace is nowhere to be seen, choas is reining the nation, RNA has turned into a monster, people have become wet mouse. KING GYANENDRA MUST GO and SOONER THE BETTER.

  21. Hem later Shrestha Avatar
    Hem later Shrestha

    Shame on you all! Jump in the lake. Don’t you have sisters ? mother? daughters? girlfriends? Now I know why Nepal is poorest country in the world? People like you live there. How could you say things even you do not know. If you do not know things then shut up your mouth. You all seem to me out of your minds and go see doctor.

  22. Chankhe Avatar

    i like mepali’s, layman, and respose’s analysis about bbt. if 3 panel judge give their annonymous verdict that bbt is loafer, that is agreeable. i haven’t seen a single piece of written work by bbt so far. that proves how gobar ganesh he is.

  23. Kishor Avatar

    To me, Nepal is in dire need of many more such Manjushrees because to depict a real picture of Nepal’s socio-economic scenario and the perception of democracy for/of Nepal’s lower stratas’ – infront of the watchful eyes of the world. We need more witty writers like Manjushree who, as a Nepali can surpass everyone’s expectations to the World’s media which is prevailing often, negative impact about Nepali citizens across the world.

    To all those who holds so-so (above’s) ideology, what I would like to appeal is to, align yourself in to more optimistic way rather than pulling the leg kinda behaviour.

  24. Nepali Avatar

    Nepal is facing problem of opportunists like this THAPA.

    Its just like having a cat to safeguard milk . DOODH KO SACHI BIRALO.





  25. republican Avatar

    Eventhough I hate BBThapa, who was one of the top most opportunists in nepal, it seems Manhjusree is very independent, and would like to do something good for the country.

    We need to encourage such a young and creative mind. Stop mudding!

  26. Chankhe Avatar

    yeha chhori ko bhanda bau ko badhi charchha…yestai rahechha yeha ko chalan…dhannye ho nepali jana jivan!

  27. samrat Avatar

    Manjushree is an example of how opportunism can reach its height. Her father and her mother got the best opportunities that Nepal can ever offer. Dr. Bhekh Bahadur Thapa became Finance secretary, governor of Nepal Rastra Bank, Ambassador to the U.S. and India and Foreign Minister. Dr. Rita Thapa became consultant at the WHO all because of the blessings of the palace under three Kings-King Mahendra, King Birendra and King Gyanendra. Manjushree got good education in the United States because of the “kripa” of the royal palace. And today, she has turned against the monarchy. Isn’t this treachery? Isn’t this the heights of ungratefulness? If the Kings would not have been so kind to her father and mother she would have been nothing. She would have studied perhaps in Tanhaun and become a housewife in Pokhara, opening a shop.
    Manjushree, you shouldn’t forget what the monarchy has done for you, your entire family. Fate will not be kind to you.

  28. kisun Avatar

    if manjushree was blessed from palace, why couldn’t her parents hook her with Dipendra or Paras? We could have seen her as one of the most beautiful future Bada Maharani Rajje Laxmi Shah of Nepal.

  29. Alien world's boy Avatar
    Alien world’s boy

    Hi Manjushree!!!!!
    In Nepal, Here is very few political analyzer. who want to anayalize our politicle sitution,s they dont have good sence of thoughts. so your job is very good. but i am not sure that why u want to stay out of country.

    I know your view… you want to be good political leader so i think u should stay here and try to be more near your loving public……..

    it should be better your political image would grow nationaly and internationaly both… and your book have to also published both nepali and english

  30. Layman Avatar

    Manjushree is beautiful and intelligent but still not married. It is her private life but the question is: Does a single woman [icd] fit in our societal set up ? We can discuss about it rather than her father. Her father is not that sexy in any sense of the term.

    If we will give property of the parents to the girls, we will see more and more single women with or without babies. Is it suitable or desirable in our society ?

    Let us have dicussion on these topics.

  31. hemuji Avatar

    I support the views expressed by leyman, krishnaji and others. What I would like to say is that Manjushree is intelligent and beaurtiful. It is a rare combination. Women are very beautiful and stupids or they are not beautiful and very intelligent. But she is not married though she is 40. So what is the status of unmarried women in our society ? or for that matter Budhi Kanya ?

    If we give property to the women by the parents, then more and more budi kanya would be available in Nepal and also single parent with babies ?
    So whole society would have different sructure.

  32. Chankhe Avatar

    i think she used to live together with Mr. Tisten. Heard that did not work so well. One thing i dislike of manju is she advocates for feminist view, but advertize herself through different interviews in media that she is single trying to allure so called intelligentisia around her. if one follow Manjushreepath, then whole social structure in nepal will be destabilized as someone here points out.

  33. Pari Avatar

    Do you all analyse men writers so closely? The colour of their lips, who they sleep with, where they studied? What their father is about?

    How you react to Manisha Koirala, Manjushree Thapa, and other prominent women shows how genuinely patriotic, democratic you are.

    You may not like them. You may not agree with them. But at least be fair in your criticism and don’t let it descend to the woman’s sex life. Who they sleep with, whether they are married or not, is not your business.

    And if you think that giving property rights to women like these will destabilise society, then the society needs to be destabilised.

    I suggest you think a little bit for yourselves about what I am saying before exposing yourselves so nakedly to the world as patriarchal, close-minded feudal men and (I hope not) women.

  34. Chankhe Avatar

    I think sex is usually the strong weapon to those who is in politics. That can put oneself in height as well to hell discrediting all good works. Thats how our feudal society structured. Sex is integral part of big famed people.

  35. Madhumakkhi Avatar

    Manjushree wants to reverse the social structure of Nepal. Look at her spec. Isn’t it like upside down? Her thinking is reflected in her wearings.
    The way she has make up looks very unconventional. Such as, it would be nice if she has a long natural hair rather a boyish and “bheda cut” hair cut. A lot of mismatches in her look….

  36. concerned Avatar


    What a blast? Why do not you ask Wagle to report on the other side of the women that is their creativity, nationalism, democratic inclination etc. etc.. Read between the lines, wagle has paid more attention to Manjushri’s glass, lipstic, dress etc. What is more musing is the title of the blog itself. Manjushri as a tutor of democracy…. is laughable not laudable ! The real fighters are on the street read Ram Kumari Jhankri. Anypne with Majushri;s background could have been a writer simply because they learned in foreign university in ENGLISH? What’s in the language? Of course communication and reaching out to the large section of the people are important. From literature point of view, the golden-spoon-fed sukumari always comes first before her wirtings. so be it.

  37. Sleek Avatar

    Gahu Goro Sarir ma Nila Dam-Haroo,

    Wagle bro, whats up man? You are mesmerized, you are totally infatuated and hypnotized by Majushri’s aura. She is a great writer but don’t you think your projection of Manjushri is way too glamorous. Anyway good job man, you got some one in the blog who deserved to be taked about

  38. nakechita Avatar

    Thank you for writing about Manju Shree Thapa. Whereever she was brought up, whoever brought her up, she has been brought up well. She is not sitting idle, she is learning very fast and changing herself according to her knowledge of the country and the world. Even if opportunities are served on golden plates to those un-deserving ones, it is a waste. Nature’s grand designs are not like the designs by the limited human mind.

  39. chankhe2 Avatar

    This is a free for all forum, and everyone can make their views heard whether it be the intellectual attributes of Manjushree or the physical. Especially as they are all quite flattering. As for discussing the sex lives of people, it maybe a bit too personal but what the hell I’d rather the imagination run wild about Manjushree, because who the hell wants to discuss the sex lives of Deuba, Prachanda, Gyanendra, Madhav, Bam Dev, or heaven forbid Girija Prasad Koirala.

  40. ameet Avatar

    Your comment is awaiting moderation
    what do that mean ? anybody fair enough to answer.

    UWB: Ameet, your comment will not be approved. But if you go in front of your family members (mothers and sisters) and utter those words that you used in your comment in front of them and if they approve that, we will certainly do the same here. So, here is our suggestion. Before posting anything on this site, please think about your mother.

  41. hmsbeagle Avatar

    I am flabbergasted by the intellectual paucity of scums that populate this forum. These perverts have no slightest tinge of decency that’s mandatory in public debate. Hell with perverts like nepli, chanke, coke and the like.

    What has it got to do with her father?
    What has it got to do with her mother?
    What has it got to do with her personal life?

    I hardly find any comments on what she had said. Just the circumstantial desultatory remarks from those who have no capability to understand any intellectual dialect.

    I praise Manjushree Thapa for independent views. They reflect very independent and true analysis of current Nepali situation.

  42. Kabya Avatar

    If we ourselves are not capable of making any contributions, at least try to learn to appreciate others good works, if you can’t do that shut your mouth off! Who other children of big sots have not got the opportunity to live and study abroad like Manju Shree and have done as she has been doing? Come on……!

  43. Chandan Lama Avatar

    Dear all,
    Freedom of thought and expression is there for everyone but only a few of us possess the guts as well as the expertise of expressing it in the way that Manjushree has and this in itself is something that we should be applauding at. If one would like to criticize her writings he or she should do it in a civilized manner and not in a way that lacks decency. I admire her beliefs and I can tell where she is headed. The rebel inside of me has found an outlet to my thoughts through her writings and I am grateful for that.

  44. Radha Krishna Avatar
    Radha Krishna

    Nameste Manjushree Thapa,

    We are very proud to learn your stories at Kathmandu University in ELT group. You have written such nice stories which give Nepali legend in your wirting. Hope to she you as a good English literary figure from this land

  45. […] १. ट्युटर अफ पोलिटिक्स […]

  46. world at arms hack Avatar

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